Further Information


Wooden carving of St Gregory the Great

Baptism of Infants:

Baptism of Infants is celebrated on designated Sundays at 12pm.

Preparation for the sacraments:

Takes place throughout the diocese in parish programmes and not in schools.


For the Confirmation of young people, aged 12 or more, or of adults who have not been confirmed, the bishop comes every second year.


Those wishing to marry are asked to give at least six months notice, so that documents can be prepared and pre-marriage instruction (e.g. an engaged couples' day) taken.

Gift Aid:

Gift Aid replaces the covenant scheme for all who pay income tax. Please contact the parish organiser, Paul Henry for details. Tel. 020 8874 0334

The Tamil Catholic Chaplaincy:

The Tamil Catholic Chaplaincy is located next door to us at 304 Garratt Lane (Tel. 020 8870 6257). More information can be found on the Tamil Catholic Chaplaincy website.